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Scope of Services

The Noble Governance Approach

We start with a free consultation to determine if our approach is a good fit for your organization's needs.


You may already know exactly what you need, in which case we can jump right in. If you need your financials analyzed first, we can start there. Most of our clients need an operational assessment at some point, which includes deep listening and an MBA-informed analysis. We then develop a targeted list of opportunities prioritized by impact, and a customized, practical, scope of work.


We can act as consultants for time-bound work. If you have an ongoing need for operations support, we can help fill fractional roles such as Operations Manager, Deputy Director, or Chief Operating Officer.

Although each plan can look different for different organizations, here are some solutions that we have provided to previous clients:

Strategy and Operations Alignment

Evaluate and improve how the organization operates as a system in order to execute the strategic plan.

Professional Development and Training

Develop and build the organization’s capacity through specialized technical and soft-skills training and coaching to include any relevant concepts or techniques from an MBA program. Identify hidden strengths, talents, and bandwidth amongst the current team and help determine the next best hire for the organization. 

Executive Leadership Coaching

Provide guidance on all aspects of being an executive leader, to include strategies for workload prioritization and delegation, stress management, team development and cohesion, education in financial planning or anything else typically in an MBA, and help with any issues facing the organization as a whole. 

Financial Optimization

Perform financial health analysis to map the current state and forecast the financial future of the organization. Ensure financial, and any related data, is readily available so leaders know where the financial guardrails are. 

Identify opportunities to right-size rates for marketable services to ensure the organization is competitive and able to bring in more revenue. In organizations with 100% passive revenue, focus on optimizing wise use of funds along with value propositions for new funding streams.

Investigate additional revenue streams to greater protect the financial future of the organization. 

Perform organizational performance assessment. Prioritize productivity enhancement opportunities to reduce unnecessary costs.

Functional Area Development and Optimization

Analyze and assess any area of the organization that may need to be further developed or redesigned. Implement practical and feasible solutions using optimal project management and process improvement techniques.

Infrastructure Investment

Identify the next tool, project, system, or job description necessary to move the organization forward. 

Technology Optimization

Identify underutilized technology tools along with areas where technology implementation might save time and money. Vet and secure platforms, and serve as technology business analyst, provide relevant training  and liaise with vendors as needed.

Project Management

Manage one-off, multiple, or intertwining projects. Move progress forward in a timely manner and keep all stakeholders engaged and informed.

Examples of outcomes:

Increased Impact

Exponential increase in impact margin across organizations and their programs. This includes increased people power, operational efficiencies, technology improvements, and the like.

Data-informed Decisions

Addition of data-informed methodology to decision making. Training on how to collect, manage, and monitor data for optimal chance at organizational long-term survival and growth.

Clear Line of Sight

Via strategic management analysis, establish a clear line of sight between missions, visions, systems, and processes.

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